Christmas Newsletter 2015

Dear friends and colleagues of anamed!
Nothing is any more like it was: this year we have for the first time at Christmas fresh sugar loaf lettuce from our own garden, although I would prefer if the garden came to peace under a thick snow layer. And in parallel our anamed colleagues in Africa are facing such a drought that the usually blossoming fields cannot be sowed as it would be a direct waste. And what the drought does not destroy, is destroyed by government’s “development aid”: Laws like the previous EPA and the new TTIP flood Africa with imports, Asians buy out the best lands, our governments support corrupt political rulers, and UN operations always bring prostitution first. And if anamed wants to help against tropical diseases, then the WHO supported and influenced by Bill Gates does not allow that…But: We are committed against that!!!
Everything has become clearer: you, colleagues and donors have given your heart to the hungry, have fed the miserable on the spot instead of motivate them to flee. In a world I have never felt so violent, a world where every child can look at unthinkable cruelty on the Smartphone, you have transformed love to light in the darkness. Therefore, we do not send "seasonal greetings "(!) but we transmit Christian greetings, we give in our seminars Christian devotions, whether in a Christian or Christian-remote country. We say that Jesus the redeemer came on the earth at Christmas, so that active peace comes, "love your enemies“ (Mtt 5.44): no religion founder has said this so clearly and practiced it like Jesus!
And, therefore, I say “thank you” for everything that was made possible last year by You, seminars in so many countries, programs against malaria and cancer, scholarships for penniless girls, observations on AIDS and Artemisia, new homepage, translations of our publications into many languages, visits from and in the whole world, construction of anamed clinics and their water supply in Congo and Malawi, unthinkable wound healing photos from Tanzania … and a big number of Artemisia-harvesting-days of volunteers in Germany.
And now we take music as a "natural medicine":
Luther said: "The music is the best gift of God. Many and big contestations are chased away with music. Music is the best consolation for distraught people, even if they are barely able to sing. Music is a teacher who makes people gentle and more reasonable."
So, let us sing against a distraught world at the anamed birthday on 23/1/2016.
And, therefore: Merry Christmas and a happy new year! I wish this on behalf of the management board as well as on behalf of thousands of official and unofficial anamed collaborators who work publicly or secretly for a world from which nobody would have to flee, a world Jesus would have wished for his birthday!
Yours, Hans-Martin