Campaign against the use of DDT
Uganda is one of many countries which is considering using the insecticide DDT to control mosquitoes.
We in anamed are strongly opposed to the use of DDT. To our dismay, even the WHO has approved the use of DDT. We quote, “WHO is now recommending the use of indoor residual spraying (IRS) not only in epidemic areas but also in areas with constant and high malaria transmission, including throughout Africa.”. See WHO.
In Uganda Monik Adriaens spearheaded a campaign against its use. She and her colleagues have prepared an excellent document. The following are excerpts.
In the conclusion she writes:
“This document is a compilation of scientifically proven methods already used to reduce malaria. All have significant effect on killing or repelling Anopheles larvae, mosquitoes or Plasmodium. The WHO is proposing Integrated Vector Control, in other words, a combination of one or more vector control methods. We believe in a holistic approach where all stakeholders have to take their responsibility in such a way that environment, health and economy are not compromised.”