Our success with bluetongue disease
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click hereanamed - Action For Natural Medicine in The Tropics
It is my aspiration that health finally will be seen not as a blessing to be wished for, but as a human right to be fought for.
- Kofi Annan
The anamed action started on 25.1.1986 at a campfire in the jungle of Africa and has developed into a worldwide network that disseminates natural medicine knowledge free of licences and patents. We are interested in helping people to help themselves with tropical and non-tropical diseases. The core point is the mutual exchange of experiences of self-responsible, self-empowered, sustainable and accessible health and nutrition care. anamed is a Christian organisation, but makes its findings freely available regardless of the faith of any individual. The results of this worldwide scientific exchange are discussed in international, regional and local seminars. Seminar participants are then enabled to hygienically produce highly effective medicines from locally grown medicinal plants and learn more about their effects and side effects.
"anamedopathy" is a new philosophy, because in today's global climate crisis and the resulting poverty and health crisis, we have to find new ways. Our experience shows: Access to health can be ensured, firstly, through extremely low drug prices, local home production and treatment by humble "barefoot doctors". And secondly, through an extremely high level of know-how and self-commitment of the population, e.g. in the construction of self-managed hospitals. Thus, the old-fashioned "development aid for the Third World" became a mutual learning process for the benefit of all people all over the world.
Recommended Seminars

Seminar Dates:
Our Wish List

Wish List:
Every year, we present a number of projects to you, because their realization is our desire.
Thank you if you pray for the success of these projects. You may also get personally involved in these projects...and of course, donations are welcome!

Info Annual Conference: We were pleased that more than 300 people attended the last annual conference in Germany. Of course, at such large events, scientific questions came up short. There was also disappointment from our groups abroad that these lectures were not available in their language. In the meantime, until the next anniversary in 2026, we therefore want to put individual lectures from these conferences on the internet (in addition to the worldwide seminars). Some of them are already online and also available in different languages, if you are interested you can find them here:
Youtube / anamed international official